Susanne Oelschläger

I grew up in a time when it was necessary to learn traditional textile techniques, exact execution was the goal. Little by little I broke away from these ideas and imprints. Today the core theme of my work is colour and structure and experimenting with different textile and non-textile materials. They can be found in collages, three-dimensional objects and textile jewellery, the current focus of my work. Nature offers a wealth of inspirations of forms and colours.
The starting point is often the material or a form that inspires me, from which a work of art then emerges. I use old and new materials, paint them, print on them and sometimes manipulate them with a heat gun or soldering iron and then work on them with a sewing machine. Free-stitch embroidery with the sewing machine is often used in combination with hand embroidery. Experimenting with different techniques and materials is what makes the work so appealing and allows me to create an exciting textile surface. The works are often open-ended and can last for a longer period of time.
- Senior teacher for musical-technical subjects with focus on textile design.
- Teaching since 1976
- Several years in the USA and participation in workshops of international artists
- Member of the Association of Teachers of Textile Design in NRW
- Member of the Neuenkirchen art circle
- Management of further training courses for teachers in textile design
- Workshops for students and curative teachers
- Solo and group exhibitions
- Commissioned work
- Cultural officer of the school
- 2025 9. Europäische Quilt-Triennale, Heidelberg, Germany
- 2024 Miniarttextil Scythia, Ukraine
- 2023 Schloß Weikersheim, Germany
- 2023 Kunsthalle Vogelmann, Heilbronn, Germany
- 2023 Textilausstellung Eppingen, Germany
- 2023 Nadelwelt Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2022 Gartenschau Eppingen, Germany
- 2019 Bundesgartenschau Heilbronn, Germany
- 2019 Nadelwelt Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2017 Nadelwelt Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2015 Nadelwelt Karlsruhe, Germany
- 2009 Neuenkirchen, Germany
- 2009 Kulturhof Westerkappeln, Germany
- 2008 Laer, Germany
- 2008 Steinfurt Germany
- 2007 Steinfurt, Germany
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